Friday, July 31, 2015

Referendum, Signatures, and Meeting Change

We did it!  We collected 313 verified signatures, which means once the Board of Selectmen officially set the date, the referendum to vote on appropriating $100,000 to use for legal representation and to retain experts will be held as soon as legally possible (August 18th).

Since it's important we as a town attend this Town Meeting, the resident meeting at Wilderness Lake Campground is cancelled for August 4th.  

Instead, please make plans to attend the Town Meeting meeting- 7:00 pm, August 4th, at the HMS gymnasium.

See the rest of the notice here.
EDITED AUGUST 3 for typos and clarity.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

First Selectwoman Mailhos and Willington Resident on Pan American Express

First Selectwoman Mailhos and Cari Donaldson, the web designer, were interviewed by John Murphy on the Pan American Express last week.  In case you missed it, you can hear it in its entirety below:

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Wednesday Rally Roundup

Pictures and news links from yesterday's rally keep coming in.  This post will be updated throughout the day.

 From the CT Mirror's coverage:
"It's not just a firing range.  This is not a relocation.  This is a huge paramilitary complex," Summers said.
Stephanie Summers, courtesy office of Rep. Belsito

"Somebody sitting in an office in Hartford might think that [Willington is] in the middle of nowhere, but to us it's everything and everywhere," First Selectwoman Christina Mailhos said.

Fox CT news coverage of the rally.

First Selectwoman Christine Mailhos, courtesy office of Rep. Belsito

From The Courant's coverage:
[Horowitz-Benoit] said that she is concerned about her future education as a prospective college student, since her parents are counting on their home equity to finance her college education.

Rachael Horowitz-Benoit, courtesy office of Rep. Belsito

From CT News Junkie's coverage:
"There are so many ranges- wouldn't it make more sense to qualify at a range near their own area?" Guglielmo asked.
Senator Tony Guglielmo, courtesy office of Rep. Belsito 

From the Office of Representative Sam Belsito:
"Why pour much-needed state funds into this project when there is an alternative that is not only cheaper, but won’t cause the plethora of problems that this site will bring to the hard-working residents of Willington?"

Representative Sam Belsito, courtesy office of Rep. Belsito 

“I think local concerns have to be heard,” Malloy said. “Absolutely no decision has been made with respect to where this facility will go. Nowhere near a decision, quite frankly.”
Rosa Chinchila (speaking), courtesy Mark Kemp

Recent visitor traffic, last 24 hours
In the last 24 hours, people across the state (and across the country), have visited our website.  News is spreading, and the myth that this is a "Not In My Backyard" issue is dispelling.  People are realizing that what happens in a quiet corner of the Quiet Corner effects the whole state.  Our governor doesn't just have to answer to the residents of Willington- the entire state is asking questions now.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Rally Pictures

About 65 people showed up in person, and many more of us were there in spirit, at the Legislative Office Building in the capitol today.

If you have video/pictures to share, email them to

Monday, July 27, 2015

Rally at the Capitol

It's Monday.  Maybe you're sitting at your desk at work.  Maybe you're at home.  Wherever you are, the week is brand new and shiny.

Please take a moment to finalize your plans to come to the rally tomorrow at the state capitol.  I can't promise that it'll help us take over the world, but it WILL send a strong message to the power players in our government.  

But it will only work if we can get people there.  If our numbers are paltry, it will send a message- but probably not one we want the State to form:


So please, make plans to come to the rally.  Even if it's only from 9-10a.m.  Though if you stick around, Senator Guglielmo is looking into giving a tour of the Capitol Building, and I hear that downtown Hartford has some fierce food trucks.

It's here that the rubber meets the road.  It's in the donation of money and the donation of time that movements are made or broken.

Can't wait to see you Tuesday!

Also- "we are unWillington" and "Clean, Green, Serene, Just the Way We Like It" t-shirts will be for sale tomorrow at the rally.

Prices range from $15-$20

Directions to the Legislative Office Building:

Friday, July 24, 2015


The rally at the Capitol has been moved up.  It is now scheduled to take place Tuesday, July 28th.  The schedule is as follows:

8am- carpools meet at Center School
9am- rally participants meet outside Legislative Office Building (LOB), 300 Capitol Ave, Hartford
10:30am- Bond Commission meeting, Rm 1E, LOB
11am- Governor's press conference, outside Rm 1E

Please make plans to attend.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Petition Update

Interrupting our normally scheduled Daily Action to bring an update on the referendum petition, in the form of Q & A.

What is this petition?
The petition is to get a referendum about the appropriation of $100,000 to use for legal representation and to retain experts.  The actual wording is this:

"Shall the Town of Willington appropriate $100,000 from the General Fund Balance to 0503 Capital Projects, as requested by the Board of Selectmen and recommended by the Board of Finance, for the purpose of hiring legal and environmental professionals to assist the Town of Willington in the evaluation of the State Police Firearms Training Facility Relocation project in Willington, Connecticut?"

Why do we need to retain experts?
When the Environmental Impact Evaluation comes out, we will have only 45 days to comment on it.  If we can secure a team of environmental, archeological, engineering, land use, and other experts, they can tear through the EIE, finding every single weak spot or inaccuracy in ways the layperson couldn't.

Who can sign the petition?
Any voter registered in the town of Willington OR any person who pays taxes to Willington on property with assessed value of $1,000 or above, appearing on the grand list as of 10/1/14. Property can be a house, car, motorcycle, boat, camper, etc

When will the referendum be?
If the needed signatures are secured, the referendum could be held as early as August 18th.  More details in the coming days will be posted here.

Great.  You've utterly convinced me.  Where can I sign the petition?
Ms. Salisbury, a Willington resident, will be at the transfer station this Saturday, from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m.  You can sign the petition there.  If you're unable to make it to the transfer station, the petition will be at the Tuesday meeting- Wilderness Lake Campground, July 28th, at 6:30 p.m.  If you're unable to make either time/place, please email Dave by clicking here (or copying this address:  ) and he will make sure you get a chance to sign.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Daily Action: Tell A Friend

If it's Wednesday, it must be Tell-A-Friend Day.

Three things this week to pass along:

1.  The meetup for 16-22 year olds happens this Sunday, July 26, at River Road Sports Complex.  Come join like-minded young adults to learn more about the proposed weapons compound, take part in a letter writing campaign, and get registered to vote.

2. Want to help blanket Willington with areas on the National biodiversity data base?  Need to sharpen your identification skills?  Consider stopping by Bioblitz at UConn this Friday or Saturday.  Details can be found here.

3. And the last tidbit for today to share with a friend:

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Daily Action and the Pan American Express

Today is Tuesday, which means the daily action is Attend A Meeting.

The meeting at Wilderness Lake Campground (150 Village Hill Rd) goes from 6:30-8:00.  You can download a copy of the agenda here.

EDIT:  The Board of Selectmen voted to go to Town Meeting on Aug. 4 and will need a petition with 200 signatures to call a referendum for Aug. 18. We need 200 registered voters' signatures on this petition, ASAP.  The referendum wording will be as follows:

"Shall the Town of Willington appropriate $100,000 from the General Fund Balance to 0503 Capital Projects, as requested by the Board of Selectmen and recommended by the Board of Finance, for the purpose of hiring legal and environmental professionals to assist the Town of Willington in the evaluation of the State Police Firearms Training Facility Relocation project in Willington, Connecticut?"

If you're at the meeting tonight and are a registered voting, please make sure to sign the petition.

The Historical Society at the Glazier Tavern (1 Common Road), at 7pm.
Planning and Zoning meets at the Town Offices at 7:30 (agenda can be found here).  Neither of these committees have formally spoken against the proposed weapons compound, and getting them to do so would only strengthen our message to the Governor.

Secondly, First Selectwoman Mailhos and Cari Donaldson (who is the person running this website and typing right now) will be on the Pan American Express this afternoon, talking about our opposition to the weapons compound.  Tune in to 90.1 FM at 1:30 to catch us.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Fundraiser Successes, Daily Action, and PO Boxes

(I don't know.  The title alone smells like another serving of sweet and sour peasant soup)

Despite a soggy sort of afternoon, the fundraiser at Wilderness Lake Campground had a great showing.  We raised around $1600, the music was good, the food was good, and it was great to see neighbors getting together.
Boys at the burger bar.

Waterslide, bouncy house, games, face painting, bingo and burgers were on tap at the unWillington fundraiser at Wilderness Lake Campground in Willington Saturday, July 18. The group raised $1600 in the course of a soggy afternoon.

Morphus of Mansfield played nonstop, rain or shine, to support unWillington at Wilderness Lake Campground in Willington on Saturday.
Thanks to everyone who showed up, set up, and volunteered.  And a huge thank you to our hosts, Ray and Joan Crossen!

unWillington is now officially unWillington, Inc.  If you would like to mail in a donation, we have a P.O. Box.  It is:
unWillington Inc.
PO Box 451
Willington CT 06279

Also, please note two changes to the layout of the blog.  In the right hand margin, the date of the next resident meeting will be posted.  Also, if you look at the tabs above, you will see one marked "Upcoming Events".  Check that tab often to see what's coming up for unWillington.

Lastly, today's Daily Action:

Today's lucky email recipient is Governor Dannel Malloy himself.  Please take a moment, even if you've already done so, and email the governor.  Our senator, Tony Guglielmo, asked a number of insightful questions in the Journal Inquirer.  Maybe ask the governor for some answers:

You can email the governor by clicking here (or copy and paste this address: )

Friday, July 17, 2015

Results from the Board of Finance Meeting

From First Selectwoman Mailhos:
""I am happy to report that our Board of Finance unanimously voted to recommend that the Board of Selectmen call a Town Meeting to appropriate $100K for the purpose of hiring legal and environmental professionals to assist the Town of Willington in the opposition of the State Police Firearms Training Facility in Willington.
Many thanks to our Board members and also to the many people who came out on this beautiful night to support the request!"

Stay tuned for more information about the upcoming referendum.  

Sweet and Sour Peasant Soup Day

Around here, Friday is "sweet and sour peasant soup" day.  Some people call it "Chef's surprise".  My friend called it "COR day"- Clean Out Refrigerator day.

Whatever you call it, it's those odds-and-ends you don't want to forget.
That's today's post.  It's Sweet and Sour Peasant Soup day.

First off, the Daily Action:
Today is an email day, so if you could take a few moments to email Lt. Gov Nancy Wyman, we'll follow up Monday's phone blitz with some emails.

You can email her by clicking here (or by copying and pasting this address: ).

Even if you've already emailed her, please consider doing it again.  Sheer volume helps us, and the fact that there may have been new developments since last you wrote (the State Police having to ask the Bond Commission for MORE money for the Environmental Impact Evaluation because they've already burnt through $100,000 comes to mind.  Also, Senator Guglielmo emailed the Lt. Gov. asking for $105,000 for Willington's legal fund.  After all, if the State Police are going to tap into taxpayer money, we should be able to have recourse to the same).

If you think about it, copy in First Selectwoman Mailhos on the email, because I believe she's keeping a file of emails sent to our elected officials.  Just to have a duplicate of our opposition in case the state accidentally loses them or mysteriously doesn't get them or something.  First Selectwoman Mailhos can be copied in at:

Secondly, please know that your emails are working.  After last week's email campaign to the neighboring towns, and number of officials contacted Mailhos to learn more about the issue.  The First Selectwoman has sent a letter to the surrounding areas, to help them get caught up with the details and to urge them to support us in opposition.  You can see a copy of the letter here.

Thirdly, don't forget tomorrow's fundraiser for Unwillington at Wilderness Lake.

Fourthly, and, I think, finally, if you know any 16-22 year olds, let them know about this upcoming event for them:

And if you can organize your commute home pasts Jared Sparks Road tonight between 5:00-5:30, you may be lucky enough to catch "The Show":

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Daily Actions: Tell A Friend to Come to the Board of Finance Meeting

Today at 7 pm, at the upstairs of the Town Office building, the Board of Finance meets.  They will be deciding whether or not to allow the appropriation of $100,000 for use as legal fees in our fight against this paramilitary complex.

Please come and show your support.  Tell a friend to come and show his or her support.  Let's fill the meeting room with residents of Willington and surrounding towns, and show our support.

Here's a handy graphic to share on you social media outlets.  Pass it along.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Daily Action: Email

Today's an email day, and this one will be easy.  Our first fundraiser will be held this Saturday, July 18th at Wilderness Lake Campground.  We need lots of people coming out to enjoy some time with neighbors, listen to some great bands, and eat some delicious wings.  All donations raised during this event will go directly to the "war chest" we're raising to stop this weapons compound.

So today, email a friend.  Make plans to come out to Wilderness Lake on Saturday, have a good time, and help raise money for our cause.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Daily Action: Tuesday Meeting

Today's daily action is the resident meeting at Wilderness Lake Campground.

6:30-8:00, 150 Village Hill Road.
Bring a friend.  Bring two friends!

The agenda is available for download here.  Please print one off and bring it (and those friends) with you.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Daily Action: Monday Call-In

Today is Call-In Monday, and we're going to focus our attention on Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman.

Call in Wyman's office today, using 860-524-7384.

Explain your opposition to the weapons compound, and ask the person you speak to to repeat back what they wrote, making sure your objections were accurately recorded.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Water, Water Everywhere

One of our family's favorite poems is "Rime of the Ancient Mariner".  There is something in the desolate tale of transgression, loneliness, and redemption that speaks so powerfully to the soul.

In the poem, it there is one part that always stops us cold:

Water, water, everywhere
And all the boards did shrink;
Water, water, everywhere,
Nor any drop to drink

Can you imagine the plight of those sailors?  Surrounded by water, but all of it undrinkable to humans.  Dying of thirst, in the middle of an ocean.

The Connecticut Department of Public Health, in a correspondence to Jeffrey Bolton, the supervising environmental analyst for the Department of Administrative Services, and the person in charge of overseeing the Environmental Impact Evaluation of the Ruby Road site, relayed the following:

Interesting, isn't it?  That the Department of Public Health would be so concerned for public drinking water stemming from a site located near a gun range/weapons compound/State Police training facility?   After all, we here in Willington are merely "NIMBY"s for worrying about the effect on water such an undertaking would entail.

Yet, in the same report by the Public Health Department, it is noted:


Let's read that again, shall we?

Outdoor firing ranges (and the State Police are proposing FOUR of them at this time) would be considered probable sources of POLLUTION under this regulation.

While it is somewhat heartening that the Connecticut Department of Public Health would be concerned for the water supply purchased by the Windham Water Works (and all their customers), doesn't it make you wonder where we, the people of Willington, fall?  Why are OUR wells not mentioned?  Why are the drinking fountains of our children's schools not mentioned?  Why the limited concern to the paying customers of a corporate entity?

Read the whole memo here.

If you're upset by what you read, email the Connecticut Department of Public Health here.  (

Friday, July 10, 2015

Daily Action Plan: Call or Email

There are 12 boards and commissions listed on Willington's official website.  So far, 3 of them (the Board of Selectmen, the Historic District Commission, and the Conservation Commission) have officially condemned the State Police's proposed weapons compound.  Willington's Board of Education, though not listed on the town's website, has also officially spoken out against it.

Nearly a decade ago, the chief historian from Willington's Historical Society urged the town to protect the parcel at Ruby Road, as it was an important archeological site.

This is a great start.  But how much more of an impact would it make if every single board and commission in Willington officially stated their opposition to the proposal?  It wouldn't be a magic bullet, certainly, but to have the ability to say, "every single governing body in Willington is opposed" would certainly make a strong statement to our elected officials.

Today's action plan is to call and/or email the heads of the remaining 9 boards/commissions in Willington and ask them to craft an official statement of opposition.  Ask what needs to be done to make this happen.  Do we, as a town, need to flood meetings?  Do we need to help educate on the issue?  Some boards, like Planning and Zoning, have discussed the weapons compound already and seem reluctant to take a stand.  What can we do to urge our elected representatives to speak for us?

Take a few minutes today and contact the following people to get those official letters coming.  1/4th is a good start, but let's get all 12 boards and commissions sending their formal opposition to Governor Malloy.

  • Board of Finance: email Chairman Alan Ference by clicking here  (if your computer doesn't allow pop-ups, copy and paste this address: ).  
  • Economic Development Commission:  email Chair Jackie Silverman by clicking here (or copying and pasting this address: ).
  • Energy Advisory Committe:  email Robin Campbell by clicking here (or copying and pasting this address: )
  • Historical Society: email the Historical Society by clicking here (or copying and pasting this address: ).
  • Housing Authority: no contact information listed on town website.  If you have a viable contact, please consider sharing it on the Facebook page.
  • Inland Wetlands & Watercourses Commission: email Susan Yorgensen by clicking here (or copying and pasting this address: ).
  • Parks and Recreation: email Teri Gareau by clicking here (or copying and pasting this address: ).
  • Planning and Zoning: email Chairman George Marco by clicking here (or copying and pasting this address: ).
  • Zoning Board of Appeals: email Susan Yorgensen by clicking here (or copying and pasting this address: ).

This one may take you more than 15 minutes today, so consider doing a little weekend homework.  
Things to consider asking:

1. Does the board/commission have an official stance about the weapons compound?
2. If not, why not?
3. If the board/commission is in favor of the weapons compound, when is the next meeting, so that the residents of Willington can attend in numbers and make our voice heard>
4. If the board/commission is in opposition to the weapons compound, when will they be committing that stance in writing?

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Daily Action Plan: Tell A Friend

Today's action plan is, as they say, easy peasy.
Download this picture (right click on the image, select "save as" and save it to your desktop), and share it with a friend.

-post it to Facebook
-share it on Instagram
-tweet it
-email it
-make it your desktop picture at work
-print it up and post it in appropriate areas

Share with as many people as possible, and be ready to explain what's going on and why all of us should oppose it.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

New Plan of Action by Way of Swedish Immigrants

My great-grandfather (and two of his children) in 1932-
first generation born here in America.
My ancestors were Swedish peasants.  They worked their land, and worked hard, and their ability to affect change in their government was laughable.

Eventually, some of them came to America, settled in Michigan, and continued to work their land.  They kept a great deal of their old life about them, but one thing their new life offered them that they wholeheartedly embraced was the ability to participate in the creation of the laws and agencies that governed them.  Like so many other immigrants, my people took their civic responsibility very seriously, so grateful were they for the democratic process.

Today, it is common (and often deserved) to complain about the corruption rife in our government.  The workings and machinations of American politics are so convoluted and layered that one is exhausted just trying to navigate your way to the right person to speak to.  Even events on a local level, like this proposed weapons compound, come with an entourage of backdoor dealings, secrecy, obscure agencies, and red tape by the mile.

However, there are bright lights along this twisted and murky path.  There is a community that has come together- even during the rushed and hurried days of summer vacation- to plan, to organize, and to fight.  We've seen, through the actions of Senator Guglielmo, a reminder that not all politicians have forgotten that they are there to serve the people, and not the other way around.

It's important to remember these things.  It's important to stay focused and hopeful and not allow ourselves to get crushed under the weight of a state that seems hell-bent on imposing this dreadful thing on us.  After all, we are not Swedish peasants suffering the whims of a monarchy.  We are Americans, and we have a duty to be active participants in our government- opposing their schemes when necessary.

To that end, this website will start listing daily action plans.  There are so many people to call and email, so many boards to speak to, so many meetings to attend, that it is easy to get overwhelmed and swept away into inaction.  To help prevent that, there will be a concrete thing you can do every day to help keep our momentum.  Come check in daily; most actions will consume no more than 15 minutes of your time, and will be little things that will have great impact if engaged in by all of us on the same day.

Generally speaking, the week will look like this:

Mondays- call in
Tuesdays- resident meeting
Wednesday- email
Thursday- tell a friend
Friday- call in/email

Each day this site will have the contact information of the person or group to be targeted.  There will be a couple of suggested talking points.  At some point, this becomes a numbers game, and the more of us speaking out, the more our elected officials will have to listen.

So to get things rolling, today's action plan is to send an email to the Boards of Selectmen in Tolland, Union, Stafford, Mansfield, and Ashford.  As was pointed out at last night's meeting- Willington by itself is easy to ignore.  But a coalition of surrounding towns, all speaking out against this weapons compound, will have more force.

Willington's Board of Selectmen has sent an official letter of condemnation to Governor Malloy. Take a few moments and contact the BoS in the surrounding towns, and urge them to craft similar letters.

Tolland: contact the Town Hall by clicking here
Union:  email First Selectman Albert Goodhall by clicking here
Mansfield: email Mayor Elizabeth Paterson by clicking here
Ashford: contact the Town Hall by clicking here
Stafford: email First Selectmen Richard Shuck by clicking here

If you'd like to share your email, please consider posting it on the Facebook page: Keep Willington Quiet.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Meeting Tonight and Agenda

The meeting tonight is from 6:30-8:00, at Wilderness Lake Campground.  Bring a friend.
The agenda can be downloaded and printed by clicking here.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

For Your Independence Day Listening Pleasure

The audio files from both Willington and East Windsor's public scoping meetings have finally been made available to the public.  You can download the zipped files here.

Have a great Independence Day!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Willington Residents Speak Out

Willington residents Stephanie Summers and Geoffrey Ecker were on the Pan American Express show today.  Tune in and listen to what they had to say.

Embed Music Files - Play Audio - Pan American Express Intervi...

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Brochures and Flyers

EDIT 7/15: Brochures are being updated.  They will be made available on this site shortly.

Flyers are available by clicking here.