Friday, August 7, 2015

Daily Action: Let's Keep the Media on Us

If you've been following unWillington's struggle in the media, you may have noticed an interesting, and hugely positive thing: the tone the news outlets are taking in covering our story has shifted. 

Where we were once painted as an ignorant group of NIMBYs,  without an intelligent leg to stand on, reporters are now realizing that this story goes so much deeper than a bunch of hicks doing their best Chicken Little impersonation.

Now that we have the unbiased, investigative attention of the media on us, it is so important to cultivate it and keep it here.  The more news stories we can get about this little town in the Quiet Corner doing battle with the Goliath of state overreach, the better it is for us.

After all, we here in Willington know that this proposed training complex wouldn't just effect us.  We know that the fiscal and environmental ramifications would effect ALL of Connecticut, and we need to do our part to help get that word out.

So, today's Daily Action will help nurture the relationship we're fostering with the media.  One of the biggest things news outlets use to determine what stories to cover is social media engagement.  They look at which stories got the most comments online, the most shares on Facebook, and the most mentions on Twitter.  They look at those metrics, and plan their stories around them.

The following links are to recent media coverage of Willington.  If you could take a moment to do the following for each link, it would be hugely helpful:

1.  Leave a comment.  It doesn't have to be any more in depth than, "Thank you for covering this important story".  If you're reading this from somewhere outside of Willington, making mention of that would be enormous- "We here in Waterbury are rooting for you, Willington", that type of thing.

2. "Like", or "up arrow" other people's favorable comments.  It looks like this:

3.  DO NOT ENGAGE THE CRAZIES.  It will be tempting.  But don't do it.  Right now, we're cultivating a relationship with the media, not correcting those less informed about the issue.

If you could take 15 minutes and do item 1 and 2 (while making sure to follow 3), you would be doing a tremendous service to our fight.

Recent Articles About unWillington:

WNPR's piece
NBC CT's coverage of our recent Town Meeting
CT Mirror's coverage of the rally
The Harford Courant's comment section on the article covering the rally.  This piece particularly needs favorable comments.  The registration process to be able to comment is cumbersome, but if we could show the Courant that there is huge opposition to this project, it would help us greatly.  (The original story is here)
CT News Junkie's coverage of the rally.  This one also needs an account to comment.  It's a couple more minutes, but helpful.


If you have a Facebook account, the following are links to the news media reports about unWillington on their Facebook pages.  The same protocol as above: leave a quick comment, "like" favorable comments, and ignore the crazies.

NBC CT's Facebook page- a quick, "Thanks for covering Willington's fight against fiscal and environmental disaster" would work here.
Fox CT's Facebook page- same as above.  A quick note, thanking them for coverage.
Hartford Courant's Facebook page- same as above.

As more news stories are written about us, this action will be repeated, but for now, if you could take a part of your weekend for some social media warrior-ing, it'll put us in a good spot.

And don't forget to hit up the Stafford Springs Blues Fest tomorrow!