Friday, July 10, 2015

Daily Action Plan: Call or Email

There are 12 boards and commissions listed on Willington's official website.  So far, 3 of them (the Board of Selectmen, the Historic District Commission, and the Conservation Commission) have officially condemned the State Police's proposed weapons compound.  Willington's Board of Education, though not listed on the town's website, has also officially spoken out against it.

Nearly a decade ago, the chief historian from Willington's Historical Society urged the town to protect the parcel at Ruby Road, as it was an important archeological site.

This is a great start.  But how much more of an impact would it make if every single board and commission in Willington officially stated their opposition to the proposal?  It wouldn't be a magic bullet, certainly, but to have the ability to say, "every single governing body in Willington is opposed" would certainly make a strong statement to our elected officials.

Today's action plan is to call and/or email the heads of the remaining 9 boards/commissions in Willington and ask them to craft an official statement of opposition.  Ask what needs to be done to make this happen.  Do we, as a town, need to flood meetings?  Do we need to help educate on the issue?  Some boards, like Planning and Zoning, have discussed the weapons compound already and seem reluctant to take a stand.  What can we do to urge our elected representatives to speak for us?

Take a few minutes today and contact the following people to get those official letters coming.  1/4th is a good start, but let's get all 12 boards and commissions sending their formal opposition to Governor Malloy.

  • Board of Finance: email Chairman Alan Ference by clicking here  (if your computer doesn't allow pop-ups, copy and paste this address: ).  
  • Economic Development Commission:  email Chair Jackie Silverman by clicking here (or copying and pasting this address: ).
  • Energy Advisory Committe:  email Robin Campbell by clicking here (or copying and pasting this address: )
  • Historical Society: email the Historical Society by clicking here (or copying and pasting this address: ).
  • Housing Authority: no contact information listed on town website.  If you have a viable contact, please consider sharing it on the Facebook page.
  • Inland Wetlands & Watercourses Commission: email Susan Yorgensen by clicking here (or copying and pasting this address: ).
  • Parks and Recreation: email Teri Gareau by clicking here (or copying and pasting this address: ).
  • Planning and Zoning: email Chairman George Marco by clicking here (or copying and pasting this address: ).
  • Zoning Board of Appeals: email Susan Yorgensen by clicking here (or copying and pasting this address: ).

This one may take you more than 15 minutes today, so consider doing a little weekend homework.  
Things to consider asking:

1. Does the board/commission have an official stance about the weapons compound?
2. If not, why not?
3. If the board/commission is in favor of the weapons compound, when is the next meeting, so that the residents of Willington can attend in numbers and make our voice heard>
4. If the board/commission is in opposition to the weapons compound, when will they be committing that stance in writing?