Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Wednesday Rally Roundup

Pictures and news links from yesterday's rally keep coming in.  This post will be updated throughout the day.

 From the CT Mirror's coverage:
"It's not just a firing range.  This is not a relocation.  This is a huge paramilitary complex," Summers said.
Stephanie Summers, courtesy office of Rep. Belsito

"Somebody sitting in an office in Hartford might think that [Willington is] in the middle of nowhere, but to us it's everything and everywhere," First Selectwoman Christina Mailhos said.

Fox CT news coverage of the rally.

First Selectwoman Christine Mailhos, courtesy office of Rep. Belsito

From The Courant's coverage:
[Horowitz-Benoit] said that she is concerned about her future education as a prospective college student, since her parents are counting on their home equity to finance her college education.

Rachael Horowitz-Benoit, courtesy office of Rep. Belsito

From CT News Junkie's coverage:
"There are so many ranges- wouldn't it make more sense to qualify at a range near their own area?" Guglielmo asked.
Senator Tony Guglielmo, courtesy office of Rep. Belsito 

From the Office of Representative Sam Belsito:
"Why pour much-needed state funds into this project when there is an alternative that is not only cheaper, but won’t cause the plethora of problems that this site will bring to the hard-working residents of Willington?"

Representative Sam Belsito, courtesy office of Rep. Belsito 

“I think local concerns have to be heard,” Malloy said. “Absolutely no decision has been made with respect to where this facility will go. Nowhere near a decision, quite frankly.”
Rosa Chinchila (speaking), courtesy Mark Kemp

Recent visitor traffic, last 24 hours
In the last 24 hours, people across the state (and across the country), have visited our website.  News is spreading, and the myth that this is a "Not In My Backyard" issue is dispelling.  People are realizing that what happens in a quiet corner of the Quiet Corner effects the whole state.  Our governor doesn't just have to answer to the residents of Willington- the entire state is asking questions now.